Inspired by the expressionist painting of the 20th century, powerful images are created, mostly collages. PaintingsHeinke BöhnertThrough the integration of used sails in her maritime art, Heinke Böhnert created her individual genre, which has earned her inter-national recognition. NewsFederal President Gauck and the King of Norwaymore Infos Latest newsAgain at the “Boot 2019” in Düsseldorf more Infos VitaHeinke Böhnert is an active regatta sailor herself…more InfosGallery To the gallery Make an appointment for a visitAbout the contact formOr call me Tel: +49 (0) 1711941625 1 Step 1NameEmailemailTelefonnummerBesichtigungsterminAllgemeine AnfrageAnfragetext0 / reCaptcha v3Datenschutzpick one!Hiermit stimme ich der Speicherung und Verarbeitung meiner Daten zum Zweck der Bearbeitung meines Anliegens nach der DSGVO zu.Anfrage abschickenkeyboard_arrow_leftPreviousNextkeyboard_arrow_rightFormCraft - WordPress form builderFollow